Myra Su
Myra Su is a puppetry artist based in Hyde Park, Chicago. Her work includes experimentations with shadow puppetry, 2D paper puppets, crankies, bunraku, and video animation.
Watch Myra Su’s Performance
Myra Su is a puppetry artist based in Hyde Park, Chicago. Her work includes experimentations with shadow puppetry, 2D paper puppets, crankies, bunraku, and video animation. Growing up in-between the United States, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, she is interested in using puppetry to convey stories that are culturally mobile and emotionally universal. She mainly creates work for the stage, with her work often mixing video with live performance. Most recently, she received a grant from Heather Henson's Handmade Puppet Dreams and IBEX Puppetry to create a short puppet film made under quarantine conditions. Her film, GOODNIGHT SHADOW, was showcased along with other films in the cohort at the 2021 International Festival of Animated Objects based in Calgary, Canada.
Outside of her independent work, she co-curates a quarterly puppet slam called Nasty, Brutish & Short. She is also a touring puppeteer with Manual Cinema, an Emmy award-winning shadow puppet performance collective.
Above image by Tyler Core